✨ Common#

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.CombinedEmptyExtractors[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when combined extractor is called without a list of extractors.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError(msg)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an error ocurrs in dataset generators.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.ExtractorEmptyColumns(extractor, field)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an extractor returns empty lists in any field.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.ExtractorInvalidArgs(extractor, extractor_args)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when mandatory arguments for an extractor are invalid or not provided.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidExtractor(extractor)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an extractor is not allowed.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidInferenceServer(inference_server, allowed)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an inference server type is not valid for the InferenceServerModel.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidLanguage[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a language is not a valid ISO 639-1 code.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidMetric(metric)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a metric is not allowed.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidModelParam(msg)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a parameter for a text generation model is invalid.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidProvider(provider)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a provider is not allowed.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidSpacyModel(language)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an Spacy model does not exist for a language.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.InvalidTaskTypeForMetric(metric, task_type)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a metric can’t be used due to inadequate task type.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.MissingIntegrationError(integration)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when an integration can’t be used due to missing dependencies.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.MissingMetricError(metric)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a metric can’t be used due to missing dependencies.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.TextMachinaError[source]#

Bases: Exception

Base class for TextMachina exceptions.

exception text_machina.src.common.exceptions.UnsupportedMetricParam(param_name, metric_name)[source]#

Bases: TextMachinaError

Raised when a metric param cannot be used.

This is not for cases where an incorrect parameter name is provided, rather when a parameter is correct but cannot be used.

See ..metrics.mauve.MAUVEMetric for an example.

text_machina.src.common.logging.color_log(text, color)[source]#

Add color to a log text.

  • text (str) – a text.

  • color (str) – a color in COLORS


a text with color codes added.

Return type:



Returns the logger used across TextMachina modules.


module_name (str) – name of the module.


the logger.

Return type:



Get the TextMachina folder for caching intermediate results.


cache path.

Return type:


text_machina.src.common.utils.get_instantiation_args(fn, args, accepted_params=None)[source]#

Extracts the arguments from args that match the parameters of the fn function.

  • fn (Callable) – a function.

  • args (Dict) – a dictionary of arguments.

  • accepted_params (Optional[List[str]]) – if known, the list of params accepted by fn. If accepted_params is provided, the fn argument will not be used to infer the accepted parameters.


arguments in args that match the fn parameters.

Return type:
