🔄 Common Use Cases#

There is a set of common use cases with icon. Here’s how to carry them out using the explore and generate endpoints.

Use case


Explore a dataset of 10 samples for MGT detection and show metrics

text-machina explore \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–task-type detection \
–max-generations 10 \
–metrics_path metrics.yaml

Explore an existing dataset for MGT detection and show metrics

text-machina explore \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–run-name greedy-bear \
–task-type detection \
–metrics_path metrics.yaml

Generate a dataset for MGT detection

text-machina generate \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–task-type detection

Generate a dataset for MGT attribution

text-machina generate \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–task-type attribution

Generate a dataset for boundary detection

text-machina generate \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–task-type boundary

Generate a dataset for mixcase detection

text-machina generate \ 
–config-path config.yaml \
–task-type mixcase

Generate a dataset for MGT detection using config files in a directory tree

text-machina generate \ 
–config-path configs/ \
–task-type detection